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PVC16- 800管材生產(chǎn)線

PVC16- 800管材生產(chǎn)線



The PVC plastic pipe production line is mainly used for the production of agricultural water supply and drainage, building water supply and drainage, cable laying, etc., and plastic PVC pipes of various pipe diameters and wall thicknesses. The unit consists of a conical (parallel) twin-screw extruder, a vacuum setting box, a tractor, a cutting machine, a turning frame, etc. The screw extruder and the traction machine adopt the brand AC frequency conversion speed regulation device, and the vacuum pump and the traction motor are all high-quality products. The tractor has two-claw, three-claw, four-claw, six-claw, eight-claw and other traction methods. Saw blade cutting type or planetary cutting type can be selected, and a length counter and thickening device are also provided. The unit has reliable performance and high production efficiency. The planetary cutting machine adopts automatic computer numerical control, which has the advantages of convenient operation and reliable performance, reaching the advanced level.


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