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SRL-Z 系列混合機(jī)組

SRL-Z 系列混合機(jī)組

特點(diǎn)和用途Features & Application

SRL- -Z系列混合機(jī)組,主要適用于各種樹脂如聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯等的配料、混合、著色、干燥、以及ABS、聚碳酸醋等工程塑料成型加工前的干燥、脫揮等工藝,也可用于酚醛樹脂的混合。



SRL- -Z series mixing unit is mainly suitable for batching, mixing, coloring, drying of various resins such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc. It can also be used for the mixing of phenolic resins.

The unit combines the hot mixing and cold mixing processes, and the materials that have completed the hot mixing automatically enter the cold mixing to cool, remove residual gas, and prevent agglomeration.

It has reached the level of similar products, and is an ideal equipment for the production of PVC products such as plates, pipes, and profiles. Balance test, the main shaft seal adopts our company's unique technology. The cold mixer adopts foreign deceleration technology and adopts direct deceleration device, which overcomes the fatal disadvantage of using decelerator and makes its operation more stable. This machine has reached the level of similar products, and is an ideal equipment for producing PVC products such as plates, pipes and profiles.

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